U13 House Evaluation #1 - Sept 21, News, U13 (Stittsville Rams)

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Sep 18, 2024 | U13 Convenor | 110 views
U13 House Evaluation #1 - Sept 21
U13 House Evaluation #1 - Sept 21

Good morning, 

Please find below the schedule for our first house evaluation session. These sessions are mandatory as they ensure that we are able to place your child on the team that will best fit their abilities and skills.  


Players will perform several of the drills that were practised as part of the conditioning sessions. These drills normally include basic skating skills such as Skating Forward, Stops, Tight Turns, Skating Backwards, Forward/Backward Transitions, and Forward Crossovers along with others. Although you may see familiar faces as on-ice coaches independent evaluators will be in the stands evaluating the kids.


These evaluation sessions are done 'blind' meaning we will be using numbered jerseys this year and not names to evaluate the players on the ice. As you check-in with the registration table, players will be provided a numbered & coloured jersey for use during that session only. We will be writing down the number/colour so registration might take a bit longer. At the end of the session, please be sure to return the jersey at the registration table. These sessions are meant to be just as fun as conditioning and will help us place your child on the right team for their ability. As always, players will need to provide their own hockey socks for all sessions.

Evaluation session #1 is sorted alphabetically however sessions 2, 3 & 4 will be sorted based on the ranking on the previous session. I will send out the schedule for session 2 on Saturday night (Sept 21) or the latest Sunday (Sept 22) morning to let you know what specific time your player will be on the ice during the 4-8pm block of time on Sunday. 


****Please note the evaluation schedule includes both House League players and those trying out for Rep B as the competitive tryouts have not yet been finalized. For those successful at making the Rep B team you will not need to attend this evaluation session once teams have been announced.****


Evaluation Session #1 - Players Only 

September 21 (Saturday) - Johnny Leroux Arena

11am – 12pm       Last names          Lamb to Ragalie

12pm – 1pm         Last names          Dods to Lalonde

1pm – 2pm           Last names          Armstrong to Desjardins

2pm – 3pm           Last names          Ramrekha to Williams


Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions,

Thank you