Vulnerable Sector Checks (VSC) (Stittsville Rams)

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SMHA Requirement for Level 3 - Vulnerable Sector Checks

***Please note that this season there will be a deadline to have all necessary certifications.  If volunteers do not have a valid VSC completed by October 31st they will no longer be allowed on the ice with their teams.***


SMHA takes protecting the safety of our players very seriously.  One way in which we do that is to require that volunteers coming in contact with players obtain a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC).  This is a point-in-query against police databases to ensure there's nothing within a volunteer's background that may suggest risk to children.  Additional information clarifying the SMHA's policies on VSC's is provided in the following sections.

Who Needs a Level 3 - Vulnerable Sector Check?

A VSC is MANDATORY for any active volunteer of SMHA requires a completed VSC.  In the context, of SMHA minor hockey, an active volunteer refers to anyone who has volunteered for a position that puts them in direct contact with players.  This includes coaches, assistants, trainers, managers, and on-ice volunteers.

How Frequently are VSCs Required?

Starting with the 2017-18 hockey season, new VSC's may be utilized for 3 SMHA seasons.  These may be partial or full seasons.  This is much different from indicating that a VSC is good for three years.  For instance, if a VSC is obtained at the onset of a season, the VSC is valid for that season and the subsequent two.  However, if a VSC is obtained mid-season it is still only valid for that season (the remainder of it) and for the next two subsequent seasons. 

How are VSCs Obtained?

VSCs are performed by Ottawa Police Services and obtained with a small cost. Their policy is to perform the service free for volunteer organizations, such as SMHA. In order to prove an individual's association with the SMHA, a volunteer letter is provided by the association.  

The steps required to obtain a VSC are:

  • Obtain an SMHA Volunteer Letter by requesting it from any of the following members of the SMHA Management Council

  • Your Division Convenor
  • VP Support Services
  • Director - House
  • Director - Development
  • Click here to obtain contact details.
  • The Vulnerable Sector Check - Level 3 can be completed online or in person.  Please go to the following link to complete this process using the Ottawa Police Service online tool:

  • Alternatively you can visit an Ottawa Police Station and present the completed form and letter (along with a piece of photo ID)

Questions about VSC?  Click here to learn more from the Ottawa Police.

  • Receive the VSC results via email if done online or by mail if done in person (note:  they may take several months to arrive if done in person)

  • Present the result form to the SMHA Risk and Safety Officer (see below)

Note:  Because of duration of the VSC process, potential volunteers are encouraged to begin the process during the summer.

What Do I Do With a VSC?

Once you have received your electronic or paper copy (via mail), please send a scanned copy to the SMHA Risk and Safety officer: [email protected] where it will be safely secured and your date of issue will be tracked. This information is then recorded with Hockey Eastern Ontario.