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Additional Proposed Constitutional Amendments for the AGM


Additional proposed amendments:

7.2.3  Voting will proceed one position at a time in the following order, assuming that the position is up for election in a given year: 
1. President;
2. Vice President, Operations;
3. Vice President, Support Services; 
4. Secretary; 
5. Director,  Competitive; 
6. Director, House Program; and
7. Director, Hockey Development
8. Registrar 
9. Communications Director
10. Ice Scheduler
11. Risk and Safety Coordinator 
7.2.3  Voting will proceed one position at a time in the following order, assuming that the position is up for election in a given year: 
1. President;
2. Vice President, Operations;
3. Vice President, Support Services;  
4. Secretary; 
5. Director,  Competitive; 
6. Director, House Program;  
7. Director, Hockey Development; and
8. Director-at-Large
9. Registrar 
10. Communications Director
11. Ice Scheduler
12. Risk and Safety Coordinator 

7.1.3 A notice to members must be advertised to the members by publishing it on the Association's website or by posting it at all arenas within the Association's boundaries or by publishing it in the local newspaper thirty days prior to the scheduled Annual General Meeting. The notice shall list the time and place, positions that are open for election and order of business.  Within fourteen days of the AGM the notices shall be amended to contain any proposals for Constitutional Amendments.

7.1.3 A notice to members must be advertised to the members by publishing it on the Association's website or by posting it at all arenas within the Association's boundaries or by publishing it in the local newspaper thirty days prior to the scheduled Annual General Meeting. The notice shall list the time and place, positions that are open for election and order of business.  Within ten days of the AGM the notices shall be amended to contain any proposals for Constitutional Amendments

Annex B 2.5
(b) With the Vice President, Director, House Division, Director Initiation Division and Director, Competitive Division and the conveners, will decide date and category of tournaments to be run. 

Annex B 2.5
(b) With the Vice President Support Services , Director, House Division, Director Initiation Division and Director, Competitive Division and the conveners, will decide date and category of tournaments to be run. 

Annex D  3.2.2
Upon completion of the Stittsville Rams tryouts and following the submission of the team lists to the SMHA, the SMHA Treasurer shall transfer the complete SMHA registration Fee paid by competitive players to the Stittsville Rams account.  The Rams Fee and any Team Fees (ie. for tournamntts etc.) shall be collected from each competitive player by the respective competitive team manager.

Upon completion of the Stittsville Rams tryouts and following the submission of the team lists to the SMHA, the VP Finance  shall transfer the complete SMHA registration Fee paid by competitive players to the Stittsville Rams account.  The Rams Fee and any Team Fees (ie. for tournamntts etc.) shall be collected from each competitive player by the respective competitive team manager.

Annex D 3.2.4
At the end of every hockey season, a financial statement shall be prepared by the Rams Finance Officer and submitted to the SMHA Treasurer and presented at the AGM.

Annex D 3.2.4
At the end of every hockey season, a financial statement shall be prepared by the Rams Finance Officer and submitted to the VP Finance and presented at the AGM. 

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